antelope Directory Reference


file  antelope.c [code]
 Main functions for Antelope, a DBMS for sensor devices.
file  antelope.h [code]
 Declarations of the main Antelope functions.
file  aql-adt.c [code]
 Utilities for building the internal representation of an AQL command.
file  aql-exec.c [code]
 Query execution functions for AQL.
file  aql-lexer.c [code]
 Lexical analyzer for AQL, the Antelope Query Language.
file  aql-parser.c [code]
 A recursive parser for AQL, the Antelope Query Language.
file  aql.h [code]
 Definitions and declarations for AQL, the Antelope Query Language.
file  attribute.h [code]
 Definitions for attributes.
file  db-options.h [code]
 Database configuration options.
file  db-types.h [code]
file  debug.h [code]
 A set of debugging macros.
file  index-inline.c [code]
 A binary search index for attributes that are constrained to be monotonically increasing, which is a rather common pattern for time series or keys.
file  index-maxheap.c [code]
 MaxHeap - A binary maximum heap index for flash memory.
file  index-memhash.c [code]
 A memory-resident hash map used as a DB index.
file  index.c [code]
 This component forwards index calls using the generic index API to specific implementations.
file  index.h [code]
file  lvm.c [code]
 Logic engine used for quickly evaluating data constraints in relations.
file  lvm.h [code]
 Definitions and declarations for the Propositional Logic Engine.
file  relation.c [code]
 Logic for relational databases.
file  relation.h [code]
file  result.c [code]
 Result acquisition interface for AQL queries.
file  result.h [code]
 Declarations for the result acquisition API.
file  storage-cfs.c [code]
 Contiki File System (CFS) backend for the storage abstraction used by the database.
file  storage.h [code]
 The storage interface used by the database.