
This group documents components specific to this SensorTag. More...


file  leds-arch.h
 LED HAL definitions for the CC1350STK LEDs.
file  rf-conf.h
 Header file with board-specific RF configurations.

LED configurations for the dev/leds.h API.

Those values are not meant to be modified by the user

#define LEDS_CONF_COUNT   1
#define LEDS_CONF_RED   0
#define LEDS_CONF_ALL   ((1 << LEDS_CONF_COUNT) - 1)

Board-specific front-end mode configurations for both the Sub-1 GHz

   path and the 2.4 GHz path on the radio.

These are the following front-end mode configurations for the CC1350STK board:

  • Sub-1 GHz: single-ended RFN and external bias
  • 2.4 GHz: single-ended RFP and external bias

Detailed Description

This group documents components specific to this SensorTag.