
Generic module controlling sensors on the Zoul platform. More...


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 Digital motion sensor
 Generic relay driver
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 Grove LCD with RGB backlight
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 LED strip compatible with Zoul-based platforms
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 SHT25 digital temperature sensor
 Sparkfun's weather meter
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 TMP102 Sensor
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 Zonik sound sensor
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 Zoul Generic ADC interface
 Driver for the Zoul ADC interface.
 Zoul adc wrapper to use analogue sensors
 The ADC wrapper implement analogue sensors on top of the ADC interface, obscuring the ADC configuration and required calculations to obtain actual sensor values.


file  zoul-sensors.c
 Implementation of a generic module controlling Zoul sensors.
file  zoul-sensors.h
 Implementation of a generic module controlling Zoul sensors.


SENSORS & vdd3_sensor
 Exports global symbols for the sensor API.

Zoul sensor constants

These constants are used by various sensors on the Zoul.

They can be used to configure ADC decimation rate (where applicable), enable interrupts, etc.

#define HW_INT_OVER_THRS   0x01
#define HW_INT_BELOW_THRS   0x02
#define HW_INT_DISABLE   0x03

Detailed Description

Generic module controlling sensors on the Zoul platform.